Agfa - Structurix Quality Assurance Tools
Chụp ảnh Bức Xạ (RT - CR - DR - CT)
Agfa - Structurix Quality Assurance Tools

X-Ray Film Certification & Quality Assurance Tools

Agfa - Structurix Quality Assurance Tools

Các mẫu đánh giá chất lượng film, hóa chất rửa film và các dụng cụ cho chụp phóng xạ phù hợp theo tiêu chuẩn EN444, ISO 5579, ASTM E94 và một số tiêu chuẩn đ...

Đặc Tính Kỹ Thuật

  • Quality Assurance Tools
  • PMC Strip (Process Monitoring Control)
    • STRUCTURIX Certified PMC strip: A handy, fast and reliable tool for monitoring the quality of the film processing system and for proving compliance with existing standards on systems classifications
    • STRUCTURIX PMC STRIPS (without certificate): Used to monitor the performance of the STRUCTURIX processing system in order to guarantee consistent quality
    • X-ray Pre-exposed Film Strips: Produced under the Quality Management System conditions according to ISO 9001-2000
  • STRUCTURIX CERTIFIED DENSTEP: A density step wedge film to verify the calibration of optical transmission densitometers used in the industrial X-ray field
  • STRUCTURIX THIO-Test: Provides means for performing the control of fixing and washing as described in EN 584-2 and ISO 11699-2
  • Certification
  • BAM & ISO Certifications
    • STRUCTURIX film systems are fully compliant with standards issued by the independent German Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, BAM
    • Assures compliance with the Industrial Film Systems Classification Standards
    • Entire film system - including films, chemistry and equipment - produced under a strict Quality Management System approved to ISO 9000
    • All certificates available for download

Ứng Dụng

Đánh giá chất lượng film, hóa chất trong chụp ảnh phóng xạ

Sản phẩm cùng Danh mục


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